Situated at the foot of the Cimini Mountains, in the green-cloaked Vezza Valley is Vitorchiano, a small and picturesque village. It is a place where time no longer exists, taking us back in history to feel deeply at one with the land we tread and the sky above us, a place arousing reflection and expectations permeating daily-life with spirituality. It is a ‘place of the soul’, to return to as a safe port every time you feel nostalgic for it. Finally, it is a place for prayer, chosen in the past by various religious Communities (Trappist nuns, Dehonian Fathers, Poor Clares and Franciscan monks) who made their homes in this serene place of peace.

Festivals and celebrations in Vitorchiano
An unbreakable appointment for the first weekend in August is the Cavatello (a type of pasta) festival, held in the central square of the historic centre where long, fully-laden trestle tables are set up under the magnificent, medieval-style fountain. The Cavatello spaghetti are made with a mixture of salt, water and flour kneaded with the palms of the hands and seasoned according to an ancient recipé handed down from grandmother to grandmother: fresh tomato sauce with wild fennel. Under the bell-tower, every fourth Sunday of the month, the little square becomes alive with people thank to the antique and handicrafts fair, from 8.30 to around 20.00. Another place in Vitorchiano, not to be missed, is the Trappist nuns monastery, where they sell delicious, home-made jams, chocolate and honey. Also to be remembered is the varied production of liturgical objects (icons, images, prints). For well-being, fitness and relaxation lovers we advise a visit to the picturesque beauty-farm ‘Baldan’, located in the ancient monastery of the Poor Clare nuns.
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